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Specializing in Rural Development Planning




Serving the regions of Windsor-Essex County, Chatham-Kent and beyond! 

Get To Know Me 


I am a Registered Professional Planner (RPP) serving Southwestern Ontario (Windsor, Essex County, Chatham-Kent, and beyond). I have a postgraduate degree in Rural Planning from the University of Guelph and a degree in History from the University of Windsor. I have over several years of progressive experience in a municipal environment in a senior Planning role. My education and professional background has molded my understanding of both rural and urban planning issues. I have come to recognize that a lot of our issues are different but the things we value are the same (affordable housing, food security, employment opportunities, clean air and water). This understanding makes me uniquely positioned to provide planning services for residents of both rural and urban Ontario, without compromising on your values. 


I look forward to getting to know more about you!

Yours truly, 




Planning Appeals 

The Planning Act grants applicants, public authorities, and individuals (with exceptions in limited cases) the right to appeal various decisions on Planning Act applications to the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT).

A Planner is required in order to provide expert planning testimony at an OLT hearing in support of your appeal. Without an expert Planning witness, your appeal will not be backed by any planning opinion and will not be successful.

A great Planner will not only serve as your expert witness, but will also review and provide you with an honest, professional opinion of the likelihood of a successul appeal before you even file and pay the OLT fees.  

I offer the following services in the area of Planning appeals:  

  • Review and opinion on Planning Decisions 

  • Preparation of Affidavits 

  • Representation as Expert Witness at OLT hearing 


Development Planning 

Planning applications are required if you are seeking to sever land, construct a building or structure that does not meet the zoning regulations, or add a new use to your property. These applications must be reviewed by Municipal staff. Often, a Planning report to support the development is also required to be submitted before an application is heard. 

Hiring a Planner to assist in the submission of the application and to prepare the Planning report offers the best and most efficient outcome for your development proposal. 

I offer the following services in the area of development planning:

  • Consultation Services on Development Proposals with the proponent and municipal staff

  • Preparation of Planning Justification Reports (PJR) 

  • Filing of Planning Application Forms 

  • Representation at Public Meetings 

Analyzing Chart

Consultation Services 

If you are purchasing property for the purpose of development (residential, agricultural, industrial, or commercial), contacting a Planner to review the suitability of the property is essential to ensuring your investment is viable. A Planner can also advise you of new and emerging planning policies which may impact your decision to buy or sell. 

I offer the following services in the area of Land Use Planning consultation:  

  • Review of prospective land purchases 

  • Real Estate Expert Opinion Letters

  • Consultation on Planning policy  

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